Monday, November 24, 2014

Scratch Lesson - Convert Your Storyboard to an animated story in Scratch

Scratch Lesson

11/25/2014 - Continue lesson begun on Friday 11/21/2014.
Objective: IWBAT describe how to create a storyboard to animate a story in scratch.
I will be able to demonstrate my understanding by converting a story from a storyboard to scratch.
Do Now: What is the code called to tell scratch to make a sprite appear?

Independent Practice / Classwork:  Convert your story from the storyboard to scratch. Start by finding suitable backgrounds to use.
Students will be given back their Storyboards
They will convert their storyboards directly to scratch.
Each frame is equal to a backdrop. A backdrop can be used for more than 1 frame if this makes sense.

See link to this tutorial  on YouTube
Convert storyboard to scratch

Please refer to Unit 2 of the Scratch Curriculum Guide

Here is a link to the student workbook:

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