Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lesson for Thurs 12-11-14

Graph Paper Programming -

Teacher =

CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards

  • CPP.L1:3-04 - Construct a set of statements to be acted out to accomplish a simple task.
  • CPP.L1:6-05. Construct a program as a set of step-by-step instructions to be acted out.
  • CT.L1:3-03 - Understand how to arrange information into useful order without using a computer.
  • CT.L1:6-01 - Understand and use the basic steps in algorithmic problem-solving.
  • CT.L1:6-02 - Develop a simple understanding of an algorithm using computer-free exercises.
  • CT.L2-07 - Represent data in a variety of ways: text, sounds, pictures, numbers..

Materials Needed: Markers, pens or pencils, four by fours activity worksheet, graph-paper programming assessment, exit-ticket, rubric.

Objective: IWBAT describe how a real world problem can be put into code and then executed without using a computer; understand the challenge of translating real problems into programs; understand that ideas may be clear and yet still be misinterpreted by a computer; practice communicating ideas through codes and symbols.I will be able to demonstrate my understanding by completing an exit ticket.
Do Now: What is an algorithm? a program?
Algorithm -:A list of steps that you can follow to finish a task
Program - An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine

Home practice: Code a design in this language to create a design of your choice.
Direct Instruction -

Do now  / Getting Started - 15 minutes
Activity: Graph Paper Programming - 20 minutes
Wrap-up - 5 minutes
Assessment - 10 minutes

Independent Practice / Classwork:  Activity: Graph Paper Programming - 20 minutes
Do now: 5 min
Direct Instruction: 10-15 min. (see above Procedure)
20 min. Independent Practice: 1- Classwork:
10 min. Assessment
5 min. Closure - Exit ticket (review Objective - what did we learn)?  

Student may work in groups, multimedia, graphic organizers.
Assessment: Activity Worksheet/Assessment Worksheet/Exit ticket
Assignment: see above.
Remediate/Accommodate: Material will be presented in written, Visual, Verbal form.
Rubric: see below
Materials: Markers, pens or pencils, four by fours activity worksheet, graph-paper programming assessment, exit-ticket, rubric.

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Robotics Exit Ticket   Lesson Thursday 12-11-2014

Name ____________________    Period _____________ Date ______________

Today we tried an exercise from an educational group dedicated to teaching kids to code.
You should have learned what an algorithm means and what the term program means. They are related, but different.

1) What is an Algorithm?

2) What is a program?

3) How are they different?

4) How are they the same or similar (what do they have in common)?

5) Why do we need to go about breaking a real world problem in steps to code so a computer can run them?

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Graph paper  Programming Rubric
Group Work
10 pts possible
Excellent efficiency with only on-task conversation; remained focused on task at all times.
Very good efficiency with mostly on-task conversation; remained focused on task most of the time.
Acceptable efficiency with on-task conversation; remained focused on task sufficiently to complete much of the work.
Little or no  efficiency with little on-task conversation; did not remain focused on task sufficiently to complete much of the work.
Pre-made Algorithms
10 pts possible
Excellent work on presenting and executing the presented algorithms.
Very good work on presenting and executing the presented algorithms.
Acceptable work on presenting and executing the presented algorithms.
Incomplete work on presenting and executing the presented algorithms.
Assessment Worksheet
10 pts possible
All 3 examples completed correctly and image drawn correctly from GP code correct.
2- 3 examples completed correctly and image drawn correctly from GP code correct.
1-2 examples completed correctly and image from GP code correct or close.
0-1  examples completed correctly and image from GP code not correct or close.
Exit Ticket Response
10 pts possible
All questions answered with excellently thought out responses. Shows excellent understanding of lesson objective.
All questions answered with well thought out responses. Shows good understanding of lesson objective.
Most questions answered with acceptable responses. Shows acceptable understanding of lesson objective.
Few or no  questions answered with acceptable responses. Shows little or no understanding of lesson objective.
Total ___/40

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